Bob Dylan - 1978 - Street Legal
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- 03 - Bob Dylan - No time to think.mp39.61 MB
- 01 - Bob Dylan - Changing of the guards.mp38.1 MB
- 09 - Bob Dylan - Where are you tonight_ (Journey through dark heat).mp37.16 MB
- 06 - Bob Dylan - Señor (Tales of yankee power).mp36.56 MB
- 04 - Bob Dylan - Baby, stop crying.mp36.12 MB
- 02 - Bob Dylan - New pony.mp35.34 MB
- 05 - Bob Dylan - Is your love in vain_.mp35.23 MB
- 07 - Bob Dylan - True love tends to forget.mp34.89 MB
- 08 - Bob Dylan - We better talk this over.mp34.67 MB
- readme.jpg177.22 KB
- Street Legal_F.jpg157.18 KB
- FiLMFiX.jpeg.jpg105.15 KB
- Street Legal_B.jpg88.14 KB
- Street Legal_CD.jpg84.51 KB