Digital Tutors (Creative Development) - Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Andrew Conroy) [29.04.2013]
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- 09. Animation curves of the feet and chest.flv75.66 MB
- 16. Moving on to the arms.flv71.31 MB
- 05. Adjusting the animation curves.flv70.94 MB
- 12. Working on the head arcs.flv66.1 MB
- 11. Finalizing the feet.flv62.52 MB
- 13. Finishing the head arcs.flv62.34 MB
- 15. Finishing out the head animation.flv59.02 MB
- 06. Continuing to adjust the animation curves.flv58.18 MB
- 19. Finishing the arms and spacing of the arms.flv57.47 MB
- 07. Finishing adjustments on the animation curves.flv56.45 MB
- 22. Finishing the geometry and smear frames.flv56.34 MB
- 08. Dealing with bad arcs.flv54.67 MB
- 14. Adding squash and stretch to the head.flv53.25 MB
- 10. Foot spacing and stretching.flv49.42 MB
- 18. Continuing the arms and spacing on the arms.flv49.35 MB
- 21. Continuing to duplicate geometry and add smear frames.flv48.89 MB
- 23. Adding the final touches to our smear frames.flv42.23 MB
- 20. Creating duplicate geometry and smear frames.flv41.99 MB
- 17. Preparing for blur frames.flv40.42 MB
- 02. Dynamic poses - Thinking in shapes.flv39.71 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Final RenderSmearRender.mov25.59 MB
- 04. Graph editor hot keys.flv18.02 MB
- 03. Concepts of Inbetween keys.flv14.18 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.flv7.82 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Final RenderRender.ma3.5 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesComplete.ma3.47 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_022.ma3.14 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_021.ma2.7 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_019.ma2.28 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_017.ma2.27 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_016.ma2.26 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_014.ma2.26 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_015.ma2.26 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_012.ma2.26 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_011.ma2.25 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesDt_Blocking_001.ma2.25 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_010.ma2.25 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_08.ma2.25 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesLesson_07.ma2.25 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesDt_Blocking_003.ma2.24 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Maya FilesDt_Blocking_002.ma2.24 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Final RenderAfter Effects File(Footage)Vin.psd1.11 MB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Final RenderAfter Effects FileSmearRender.aep72.03 KB
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Final Renderassetsimagesbackground.jpg809 Bytes
- Animating with Extreme Inbetweens and Smears in Maya (Project Files)Tween Machine.txt50 Bytes