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Bryan Adams Anthology [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED] [320 Kbps]


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  1. Anthology Disc 114. (Everything I Do) I Do It for You.mp315.19 MB
  2. Anthology Disc 206. Let's Make A Night To Remember.mp314.61 MB
  3. Anthology Disc 201. Please Forgive Me.mp313.67 MB
  4. Anthology Disc 117. Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven.mp313.46 MB
  5. Anthology Disc 118. The Best Of Me.mp312.33 MB
  6. Anthology Disc 104. Cuts Like A Knife.mp312.22 MB
  7. Anthology Disc 112. Heat Of The Night.mp311.88 MB
  8. Anthology Disc 203. Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman.mp311.29 MB
  9. Anthology Disc 212. Here I Am.mp311.01 MB
  10. Anthology Disc 107. Somebody.mp310.95 MB
  11. Anthology Disc 202. All For Love.mp310.92 MB
  12. Anthology Disc 208. Back To You.mp310.85 MB
  13. Anthology Disc 116. There Will Never Be Another Tonight.mp310.85 MB
  14. Anthology Disc 110. One Night Love Affair.mp310.58 MB
  15. Anthology Disc 115. Can't Stop This Thing We Started.mp310.41 MB
  16. Anthology Disc 209. I'm Ready.mp310.38 MB
  17. Anthology Disc 211. Cloud Number Nine.mp39.71 MB
  18. Anthology Disc 204. Rock Steady.mp39.49 MB
  19. Anthology Disc 108. Heaven.mp39.48 MB
  20. Anthology Disc 216. 18 Til I Die (Live).mp39.48 MB
  21. Anthology Disc 106. Run To You.mp39.07 MB
  22. Anthology Disc 102. Lonely Nights.mp38.83 MB
  23. Anthology Disc 101. Remember.mp38.6 MB
  24. Anthology Disc 207. Star.mp38.58 MB
  25. Anthology Disc 218. So Far So Good.mp38.54 MB
  26. Anthology Disc 205. The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You.mp38.47 MB
  27. Anthology Disc 109. Summer Of '69.mp38.39 MB
  28. Anthology Disc 103. Straight From The Heart.mp38.22 MB
  29. Anthology Disc 213 Bryan Adams - The Best Of Me.mp38.18 MB
  30. Anthology Disc 113. Hearts On Fire.mp38.17 MB
  31. Anthology Disc 215. Open Road.mp38.13 MB
  32. Anthology Disc 210. On A Day Like Today.mp38.11 MB
  33. Anthology Disc 217. When You're Gone (With Melanie C).mp37.92 MB
  34. Anthology Disc 105. This Time.mp37.8 MB
  35. Anthology Disc 111. It's Only Love (With Tina Turner).mp37.62 MB
  36. Anthology Disc 214. I'm Not The Man You Think I Am.mp37.09 MB
  37. Torrents.rar1.55 MB
  38. Anthology Disc 1folder.jpg96.53 KB
  39. Anthology Disc 2Folder.jpg96.53 KB
  40. folder.jpg96.53 KB
  41. Anthology Disc 1folder.rar75.53 KB
  42. Anthology Disc 2Folder.rar75.53 KB
  43. Anthology Disc 2AlbumArtSmall.jpg1.97 KB
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