Big Mama Thornton
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- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings03 - Mixed Up Feeling.flac47.19 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings02 - Gonna Leave You.flac39.81 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail01 - Little Red Rooster.flac38.08 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!03 - Mr Cool.flac37.72 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail05 - Rock Me Baby.flac37.28 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail02 - Ball and Chain.flac37.16 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings05 - Going Fishing.flac33.55 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail03 - Jail.flac33.39 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings07 - Happy Me.flac31.76 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings04 - Special.flac31.45 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings06 - Big Mama Swings.flac28.27 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!06 - Sassy Mama.flac28.03 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!05 - Private Number.flac26.79 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!02 - Lost City.flac23.55 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail07 - Oh Happy Day.flac23.19 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!01 - Rolling Stone.flac21.91 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail06 - Sheriff O.E. & Me.flac20.84 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swings01 - Good-Bye Baby.flac20.1 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!07 - Everybody's Happy (But Me).flac18.62 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!04 - Big Mama's New Love.flac17.86 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jail04 - Hound Dog.flac17.8 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscans3 CD.jpg2.99 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansbooklet 1,12.jpg2.41 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansfront.jpg1.61 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansback.jpg1.58 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansbooklet 10,11.jpg1.58 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansbooklet 6,7.jpg1.43 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansbooklet 8,9.jpg1.41 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jailcover orig.jpg1.38 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansbooklet 4,5.jpg1.35 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansbooklet 2,3.jpg1.19 MB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jailcover.jpg88.01 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!cover.jpg88.01 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swingscover.jpg88.01 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama SwingsBig Mama Swings.log6.71 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!Sassy Mama!.log6.64 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - JailJail.log6.45 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama SwingsBig Mama Thornton - Big Mama Swings .cue1.51 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!Big Mama Thornton - Sassy Mama! .cue1.51 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - JailBig Mama Thornton - Jail .cue1.36 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD2 - Sassy mama!foo_dr.txt1.16 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD3 - Big Mama Swingsfoo_dr.txt1.15 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACCD1 - Jailfoo_dr.txt1.14 KB
- 2000 - The Complete Vanguard Recordings FLACscansTorrent downloaded from Bytes