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Gilded Goldberg


种子大小:299.75 MB




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  1. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)14 - Variation 13_ Cantilena I_ Double Variation With Homage To Dowland_ G,E Flat ....flac23.48 MB
  2. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)01 - Variation 16_ French Overture And Homage To Nancarrow_ G Sharp Minor.flac21.29 MB
  3. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)10 - Varation 25_ Cantilena II_ G Minor.flac15.7 MB
  4. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)04 - Variation 19_ Ländler And Trio.flac14.42 MB
  5. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)16 - Variation 15_ Canon At The Fifth_ G Minor.flac12.7 MB
  6. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)02 - Variation 17_ Hungarian Cymbalom_ Homage To Bartok, Ligeti, Kurtag_ E Minor.flac12.1 MB
  7. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)15 - Variation 29_ Tacotta With Clusters_ F Sharp.flac11.61 MB
  8. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)09 - Variation 8_ Enhanced Replay Of Variation 1_ G.flac11.09 MB
  9. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)03 - Variation 18_ Canon In Sixths_ D Flat.flac10.73 MB
  10. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)16 - Variation 30_ Quodlibet_ Traversing All Twelve Keys, Ending D.flac10.67 MB
  11. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)01 - Aria_ G Major.flac9.3 MB
  12. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)13 - Variation 12 Canon At The Fourth_ E.flac8.57 MB
  13. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)12 - Variation 11_ Dreaming_ Homage To Schubert And Brahms_ G.flac8.48 MB
  14. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)02 - Variation 1_ Expanding The Theme_ G.flac7.79 MB
  15. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)09 - Variation 24_ Canon At The Octave_ Complex Journey Through Some Keys_ G,G Min....flac7.78 MB
  16. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)04 - Variation 3_ Canon At The Unison _ G.flac7.28 MB
  17. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)08 - Variation 23_ Diatonic Scrunches (Homage To Tippett)_ F.flac7.27 MB
  18. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)06 - Variation 21 Canon At The Seventh_ G Minor.flac7.09 MB
  19. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)17 - Aria Da Capo_ G.flac6.82 MB
  20. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)15 - Variation 14_ Energico_ A Flat Minor.flac6.56 MB
  21. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)13 - Variation 26b_ Sarabande Resumed A major,A Minor Homage To Schumann.flac6.4 MB
  22. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)07 - Variation 6_ Canon At The Second_ C-A Flat.flac6.22 MB
  23. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)10 - Variation 9_ Canon At The Third_ Homage To Grainger_ E Flat.flac5.89 MB
  24. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)05 - Variation 20_ Vivace Con Brio_ G Minor.flac5.84 MB
  25. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)05 - Variation 4_ Simply Through Some Keys_ G-G.flac5.83 MB
  26. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)07 - Variation 22_ Curchy Counterpoint In Antiphony_ A Flat.flac5.72 MB
  27. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)08 - Variation 7_ Gigue In Antiphony_ A flat,C.flac4.98 MB
  28. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)03 - Variation 2_ Simple Tonal Cubism_ G-D.flac4.8 MB
  29. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)11 - Variation 10_ 'robust And A Bit Gormless' (Wrong Note Music)_ B.flac4.65 MB
  30. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)14 - Variation 28_ 'Summer Afternoon' - Hazy Trills And Tremelos_ G.flac4.45 MB
  31. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)11 - Variation 26a_ Sarabande_ G.flac4.17 MB
  32. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 2)12 - Variation 27_ 'Trio' - Canon At The Ninth_ F.flac2.76 MB
  33. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)06 - Variation 5_ Vivace A La Scarlatti_ C.flac2.69 MB
  34. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scan05.jpg1.22 MB
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  36. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scan01.jpg1.21 MB
  37. scan01.jpg1.21 MB
  38. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scan04.jpg1.18 MB
  39. scan04.jpg1.18 MB
  40. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scan03.jpg1.18 MB
  41. scan03.jpg1.18 MB
  42. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scan06.jpg1.05 MB
  43. scan06.jpg1.05 MB
  44. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scan02.jpg832.25 KB
  45. scan02.jpg832.25 KB
  46. Gilded Goldbergs (Disc 1)scantras.jpg666.33 KB
  47. scantras.jpg666.33 KB
  48. Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.me.txt46 Bytes
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