Digital Tutors - Mobile App Design and Prototyping in Photoshop and After Effects
种子大小:449.74 MB
资源下载:磁力链接 磁力资源 蜘蛛资源 磁力引擎 网盘资源 影视资源 云盘资源 免费小说 美女图片
- 08. Creating a settings screen.mp455.73 MB
- 13. Animating the conversation screen.mp440.74 MB
- 06. Designing the active conversation screen.mp439.69 MB
- 12. Finishing the active conversations animation.mp438.66 MB
- 05. Designing the conversations screen.mp436.59 MB
- 07. Finishing the active conversations screen.mp435.67 MB
- 11. Importing the active conversations screen and animating.mp435.63 MB
- 14. Finishing the animations.mp433.36 MB
- 04. Constructing a title bar.mp431.03 MB
- 02. Designing the login screen.mp427.63 MB
- 10. Preparing the conversation screen.mp422.59 MB
- 09. Preparing the active conversations screen.mp421.56 MB
- 03. Finishing the login screen.mp420.84 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.mp47.77 MB
- Project_FilesMobile App Design and Prototyping in Photoshop and After Effects.zip2.24 MB